Living By His Amazing Grace Ministries

The following classes, workshops, and support groups are on-going and available for anyone who has a desire to learn and grow. Please contact us and let us know if you are interested in any of the classes. The classes are held both on Zoom and in person. There is NO Cost for any of the classes, workshops or support groups.

BIBLE STUDY CLASSES (Currently we are studying in the Book of Acts)

We hold Bible study Monday evenings at 6:30pm Pacific Standard Time. CLICK on the Button to join us! Everyone is encouraged to share their thoughts and opinions as we study through the Scriptures together. It’s amazing what truths are discovered as we share together! 


We are offering the following classes for anyone wanting to know and understand why they believe what they believe.

The classes teach  the foundations needed for any Christian who is serious about their walk with Christ.

   – Soteriology – The Study of Salvation (What is it? Where does it come from? Why do we need it?)

   – Pneumatology – The Study of the Holy Spirit (Who or what is it? Why is it/He here?)

   – Christology – The Study of Christ (Who is He? Is He necessary? Why or Why not?)

   – Hamartiology – The Study of Sin (Why study sin? What is it really?)

   – Eschatology – The Study of the End Times (Is it real? What is the end times? Who tells of it?)

   – Anthropology – The Study of Humanity (How did we come about? Where are we from? Why are we here?)

   – Angelology – The Study of Angels (Do they really exist? If so, where do they come from? Why are they here?)



We are offering the following Classes/Workshops/Support Groups based on the Rahab’s Heart program for those who have suffered abuse.

A lot of times people who have survived mental and/or physical abuse don’t understand why they continue in a cycle of self destruction. 

This program offers hope in helping to heal wounds within the heart and helping individuals to see a new positive outlook of themselves as God sees them.

   – Where do I Start?

   – How Could This Happen to Me?

   – Unhealthy Becoming Healthy

   – Road to Victory

   – A Desire to Change